Hero In Turkey, A Rescue Dog Cut Off Its Leegs, Refused To Rest And Saved 5 Lives

Hero In Turkey, A Rescue Dog Cut Off Its Leegs, Refused To Rest And Saved 5 Lives

Rescue dogs have given people a lot to speak about in the wake of the devastating earthquake that left much of Syria and Turkey in ruins because of the aid they are offering, particularly in assisting in the search for people who are either missing or found in the rubble.

Internet fans from all across the world have applauded a number of dogs, each of which stood out for its unique work. One of them lately distinguished himself by persevering through severe injury and continuing to work.

The name of this canine savior, Kopuk, a golden retriever, has been on many people’s lips as he hasn’t stopped working hard with his human coworkers to rescue people alive from the rubble of the recent earthquakes in these nations.

Kopuk was injured while performing a rescue in one of the collapsed buildings in Malatya, Turkey, according to information from the local media site TRT HABER, leaving him with all four of his legs amputated.

Upon witnessing this, his caregivers treated and patched up his wounds. The small hero, however, did not let this stop him and swiftly went back to perform his noble job as a savior.

This was partially fortunate since the animal continued to identify and rescue five more people despite any pain or suffering it may have felt.

Animals like Kopuk are taught to use their noses to identify people who have been buried alive, mostly by sniffing bodily fluids like perspiration or blood. In order for rescuers to start looking for trapped people, these dogs bark or scratch to inform their handlers when they identify a survivor in the vicinity.

Other canines renowned for their rescue work, like Kopuk, include Balan, who found a human alive among the rubble, and Proteo, who died while performing his rescue work on Turkish land.


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