Pittie falls asleep on foster mom’s hand after finally being rescued

Pittie falls asleep on foster mom’s hand after finally being rescued

After all, his dad did tie him to a fence and abandoned him on a Brooklyn street.

The abandonment of Trap was captured on video, and it was incredibly upsetting to see. After tying up Trap, his previous owner walked into the store next door and informed the owner that a dog had been left there.

When Trap’s father vanished, he appeared extremely bewildered and upset. He was looking at everyone who walked by for aid. Fortunately, there were nice people who noticed the pup’s distress and realized he had been left.

The pit bull was taken in and brought to Mr. Bones & Co’s One Lucky Pup program after several Good Samaritans called them. Those folks took fantastic care of Trap and gave him a comprehensive medical check-up.

When they discovered he had hip dysplasia, they made arrangements for him to get a new hip. When the first operation didn’t work, they got him another one and gave him a lot of physical therapy until he was able to move again.

To repair his rotten teeth, poor Trap also need dental surgery. After being able to get in touch with Trap’s previous owners thanks to Trap’s microchip, they soon discovered that his real name was Trap.

Trap was sent to an extraordinarily caring foster home with a lovely foster mom named Kristin. She watched over him for six weeks as he recovered from his surgeries.

Mr. Bones & Co. Rescue wrote on their Facebook page, “We took things one day at a time, and his foster mama set him up for success every step along the way.

Kristin took Trap to all of his appointments and watched out for him while he was healing to make sure he didn’t overdo it. Trap felt so safe with his foster mom that he fell asleep straight in her grasp. At his foster home, Trap was immensely spoilt.

He had comfortable sweaters to wear, toys to play with, and all the love and embraces he could possibly desire or need. Trap was prepared to be placed for adoption following his final examination.

“Just as we were going to share this, we received a phone call came from the woman who carried him when he could not walk, hand-fed him when he was too medicated to eat, slept on the floor next to him when he needed reassurance and meticulously practiced the home rehab exercises, his foster mama, Kristin,” Mr. Bones & Co. wrote.

Kristin recounted how she had grown to love Trap. There was no way she could abandon him. Trap’s story couldn’t have had a nicer finish.

Trap is now enjoying the life of his dreams with someone who genuinely loves him, a year after being unceremoniously dumped.

Learn more about Trap and Kristin’s journey in the video below.

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