Pit Bull Missing For 8-Years Shows Up Malnourished But ‘Full Of Love’

Pit Bull Missing For 8-Years Shows Up Malnourished But ‘Full Of Love’

His family was devastated, but they never gave up hope that their loving dog would one day return.

Microchips have helped reunite many dogs and humans, although they are not usually examined immediately. A Pit Bull named Harley went missing for eight years despite having an up-to-date microchip. His family was distraught, but they never gave up hope that their beloved dog would return.

When someone found Harley, the poor pup was terribly emaciated and had overgrown nails. Despite everything, the pup remained cheerful and loving. His story has a happy conclusion, which serves as a nice lesson to families who have lost pets to never give up hope.

Missing for eight years.

Betsy Dehaan let her dogs do their business outside her Florida home in February 2014. When she looked away, they rushed into the nearby woods, and Harley was nowhere to be found. Dehaan hoped someone would discover the pup and scan his microchip because Harley was only a few years old at the time.

“We searched for and posted missing pet posters. “We never stopped looking,” Dehaan explained.

Unfortunately, years went by with no sightings. Harley was away for eight years, but his family never forgot about him. Dehaan was reminiscing about Harley and discussing what a fantastic dog he was when she received a strange phone call.

Someone texted Dehaan to let her know that they had found her lost dog and that he was at Lee County Domestic Animal Services. At first, Dehaan assumed it was a joke.

“I am like, ‘Is this a scam?’ Because we were chatting about him that morning,” Dehaan explained. “I received the text, and you know how you believe Google always catches up on your ads? I’m like, “This is a scam.” “This isn’t real.”

An unbelievable surprise.

But this wasn’t a trick. The dog at the Florida shelter was actually Harley. Angie Bray found the very emaciated puppy and took him to Cypress Lake Animal Hospital. When someone scanned Harley’s microchip, they found Dehaan’s number.

“It made me cry.” It was absolutely horrible to think about being separated from my animals and unable to find them,” Bray explained.

Dehann relocated from Florida to Missouri when Harley went missing, but she did not let that stop her. She drove nearly 1,000 miles to take him up, and she was in tears before she even saw him.

When a staff member took Harley out beside his mother, his tail wagged furiously, and he gave her numerous kisses. He’s considerably older than the last time Dehaan saw him, but he still has plenty of love to give.

This story is a wonderful reminder to dog owners to microchip their pets. Regardless of how long they’ve been lost, it may help return them home. Make sure your dog’s tag and microchip contain your current contact information.

Watch the heartwarming reunion here:


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