Strangers reunite sweet dog with her military family after 3 years apart

Strangers reunite sweet dog with her military family after 3 years apart

 The mother and son drove hundreds of miles to reunite Piper with her old family.

When Becca Brown’s husband, a member of the United States Air Force, was deployed to Germany in 2018, the family of five knew they would have to move to Europe, but they couldn’t take their dog with them.

Piper, a three-year-old blue heeler/labrador mix, adored her family, and her humans adored her as well, but they knew they would have to leave her behind.

And, as much as they wanted to take Piper, they didn’t want to put the dog’s new family in a position where they would have to take the dog away from them, making them sad.

“It didn’t have to be temporary,” Becca explained to the Pensacola News Journal. “We didn’t want someone to fall in love with her only to have us take her away three years later.”

So they arranged for Piper to move to Kansas with a man she seemed to get along well with.

The man kept sending them updates on his relationship with Piper, and the family was confident that their dog was enjoying her new time.

We can all imagine their surprise when a vet’s office in Oklahoma called to inform them that Piper had been found in the streets.

“We were mostly stunned,” Becca explained. “We were just like, ‘Oh.’” Wow. This was not at all what we expected. They were doing well last we heard… We weren’t expecting this.”

Carla Olmstead’s son had found the dog in the street a month before, and she had jumped into his car and refused to get out.

Piper seemed to get along well with everyone in the family, including cats and dogs, and the Olmstead family fell in love with the dog right away.

“She is the sweetest, most polite dog we’ve ever met.” She was kind to our cats and dog. “She adores people,” Olmstead wrote on Facebook.

That’s how they deduced Piper must have belonged to someone who adored her and had well-trained her.

They discovered she had a chip and attempted to contact the owner, but they were unsuccessful the first time. When they tried again a few weeks later, they found Piper’s history with the Browns.

The Brown family was overjoyed to be reunited with their old dog, and the Olmstead family was happy to go on a beach trip to Florida in order to return Piper to her previous owners, who now live in Pensacola.

Olmstead shared updates on Piper’s journey to reunite with the Browns, as well as a video of the dog reuniting with her old owners. There are triplets in the family, so there will be plenty of opportunities for play!

While she was shy at first and missed the people who had found her, she gradually adapted to her new old life and was able to be happy again!

Watch the sweet reunion in the video below!

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