The Bunny Who Found His Way Home

The Bunny Who Found His Way Home

One day, in a lush green forest, there was a little bunny named Benny. Benny loved to explore and often wandered far from home to discover new things. One morning, Benny decided to venture farther than usual in search of the most beautiful wildflowers.
Benny hopped through bushes, crossed small streams, and climbed hills. As the sun began to set, Benny realized he had gone too far and didn’t know the way back home. The little bunny felt worried and started looking for clues to find his way.
While searching, Benny met a squirrel named Sally. Sally was very friendly and offered to help Benny find his way home. Together, they traveled through the forest, asking other animals for directions. They met an old owl, a deer, and a turtle, all of whom guided Benny and Sally.
Finally, after a long and challenging journey, Benny saw his little home in the distance. The little bunny jumped with joy and thanked Sally and his new friends for their help. Benny learned that no matter how far he wandered, with the help of friends, he could always find his way home.


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