The Rope Dug Deeper Into Her Neck As She Cried Out For Help In Dark Deserted Home

The Rope Dug Deeper Into Her Neck As She Cried Out For Help In Dark Deserted Home

After hearing barking for many days straight, a South Asian rescue received a report about a dog that had been staying in an old house.

When rescuers arrived, they discovered that the residence had no power and had maybe been abandoned for years.

They didn’t suspect a dog was present based on the appearance of the residence until they heard barking. They walked down to the basement and discovered a little dog that was chained and unable to move or escape.

They instantly released her and removed the rope from around her neck. It had been wrapped so tightly around her neck that it had been entrenched in her skin, leaving raw, agonizing skin.

They took her to the vet, who healed her wound and placed her on a suitable diet.

Fortunately, aside from her neck wound, she was granted a clean bill of health and was able to live a normal life.

It is unknown who tied up and abandoned this poor pup in that old home, but what matters most is that she is now secure and will never be left behind again!


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