This Little Boy With Brain Tumor Dedicates His Birthday To Helping Shelter Pets

This Little Boy With Brain Tumor Dedicates His Birthday To Helping Shelter Pets

This is Bryce Hill, a small child with a big heart.

Last year, the little Illinois native was diagnosed with juvenile pilocytic astrocytoma, a rare children brain tumor. Bryce has had an uphill struggle since then, with many hospital visits for diagnostics and chemotherapy treatments.

Despite his personal difficulties, he never forgets about others in need, even on his birthday.

Bryce celebrated his sixth birthday in January with family and friends. Instead of asking for gifts, he urged guests to donate to his local animal shelter.

And that is just what they did.

Bryce paid a visit to Illinois Valley Animal Rescue (IVAR) last month, giving the toys and supplies he’d dedicated his birthday to collecting for needy cats.

“I’m really proud,” Bryce Panther’s mother, Gina Panther, told The Dodo. “He’s the loveliest little guy.”

But Bryce’s generosity does not stop there. That visit to the shelter piqued his interest in becoming more active.

“IVAR named him an honorary volunteer, and he did his duties by playing with all the cats,” Panther said. “He plans to volunteer once a week, or whenever he feels like it; he enjoys playing with the kitties and can’t wait to do it again.”

Bryce is responding well to medication to keep the tumor under control, so he should have many of opportunity to continue working at the shelter.

Meanwhile, he has a dog at home to keep him company on his journey.

Follow the Facebook page Bryce’s Battle, No One Fights Alone to stay up to date on his progress or to leave a note of support.


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